
Top Holdings

Apollo Nachhaltig Aktien Global - Thes. AT0000A1EL54 as at 08.05.2024  EUR 158.035.488,40 NAV EUR 16,69

 Preferred Type of Chart:

NameAmount in EURIn % of Portfolio
Goodman Group1.044.247,410,66 %
Caterpillar Inc.906.882,780,57 %
Ameriprise Financial Inc.903.332,180,57 %
Trane Technologies PLC877.838,570,56 %
Bombardier Incorporation873.930,750,55 %
UniCredit S.p.A. o.N.871.356,960,55 %
Targa Resources Corporation859.377,670,54 %
Dick's Sporting Goods Inc.856.579,970,54 %
CBOE Holdings Inc.855.679,920,54 %
Mitsui Fudosan841.513,970,53 %
Records per Page 1Total Records:  10