Vergleich Vermögenswert mit eingesetztem Kapital

The page "Vergleich Vermögenswert mit eingesetztem Kapital" provides a historical comparison between the market value of the portfolio and the invested capital.


Zu beachten ist, dass die Grafik bzw. Tabelle keine Aussage über die Performance des Portfolios wiedergibt, da Veränderungen des Gesamtvermögens durch Wertveränderungen des Investments und auch durch Ein- und Auszahlungen zustandekommen.

How to navigate to this page

The page can be reached by the menu in the following way: Portfolio > Vergleich Vermögenswert mit eingesetztem Kapital





Further Information




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The table contain a historical data and a comparison between the market value of the portfolio and the invested capital.

It consists of the following attributes:

"Period" - the dates (usually at some interval) from the inception of the portfolio. Depending on the length of this period, the intervals are daily, monthly, quarterly, appears every six months or a year

"Total value" - market value of the portfolio in portfolio currency

"Invested Capital" - invested capital in portfolio currency

"+/-" - difference between the market value and the invested capital


The chart represents graphically the information from the table as a trend over the period. The period is shown on the "X" axis, and the portfolio's market value and invested capital - on the "Y" axis