Vermögensaufstellung ohne Fondsdurchrechnung Detail

The page "Vermögensaufstellung ohne Fondsdurchrechnung Detail" provides detail information for the positions of a portfolio, according to a predefined asset type (in "Vermögensaufstellung ohne Fondsdurchrechnung" page).

How to navigate to this page

Navigate to the "Vermögensaufstellung ohne Fondsdurchrechnung" page via the menu and then click on an "Asset" type





Further Information




Displayed page elements and their order can differ, depending on the installed features, or user rights.


The table contain detail information for the positions of a portfolio/fund, according to a predefined asset type.

The table attributes can vary, depending on the selected asset class. The following options are available:

Asset Class = Derivatives

The table contains the following attributes:

"Währung" - derivative currency

"Bezeichnung" - derivative name

"Stück/Nominale" - derivative quantity/nominal amount in the position

"Betrag in Portfoliowährung / Fondswährung" - derivative market value in portfolio currency

"in % of Derivatives" - derivative market value as a percentage from all derivatives market value

"in % of Total Net Assets" - derivative market value as a percentage from the portfolio value

"Hedge/Risk" - marks whether the position is for hedging purposes, or not

"Lagerstelle" - custodian name

Asset Class = Cash Deposits

The table contains the following attributes:

"Währung" - cash account/deposit currency

"Bezeichnung" - cash account/deposit name

"Betrag in Portfoliowährung / Fondswährung" - cash account/deposit market value in portfolio currency

"in % of Cash" - cash account/deposit market value as a percentage from all cash accounts/deposits market value

"in % of the Portfolio" - cash account/deposit market value as a percentage from the portfolio value

"Account" - cash account/deposit number

Asset Class = Other Assets

The table contains the following attributes:

"Währung" - cash account/deposit currency

"Bezeichnung" - cash account/deposit name

"Betrag in Portfoliowährung / Fondswährung" - cash account/deposit market value in portfolio currency

"in % of Cash" - cash account/deposit market value as a percentage from all cash accounts/deposits market value

"in % of the Portfolio" - cash account/deposit market value as a percentage from the portfolio value

"Account" - cash account/deposit number

All other asset classes

The table contains the following attributes:

"Währung" - asset currency

"Bezeichnung" - asset name

"Stück/Nominale" - asset quantity/nominal amount in the position

"Betrag in Portfoliowährung / Fondswährung" - asset market value in portfolio currency

"in % of [Asset Class Name]" - asset market value as a percentage from all assets from the same class market value

"in % of the Portfolio" - asset market value as a percentage from the portfolio value

"Lagerstelle" - custodian name


The chart represents graphically the information from the table. The type of the chart can be selected in Einstellungen page.

Further Information

The following links to other pages are available:

"Depot/Wertpapiergeschäfte" - transaction list of the selected security position (invoked by clicking on the "Stück/Nominale" of the respective asset)

"Preis Information" - detail information for a selected position (displayed by clicking on the "Bezeichnung" of the respective position)