Vermögensaufstellung Einzeltitel

The page "Vermögensaufstellung Einzeltitel" contain the positions of the selected portfolio/fund (including all security, cash accounts and other assets positions), grouped by different risk criteria.

How to navigate to this page

The page can be reached by the menu in the following way: Portfolio > Statement of Assets: Individual Holdings





Further functionality

"Risk" dropdown list

"Display for Securities Account" dropdown list

Further Information




Displayed page elements and their order can differ, depending on the installed features, or user rights.


The table contain information for all portfolio/fund positions. The table attributes, order and grouping of the assets depends on the selection in the "Risk" dropdown list. The following options are available:

"Risk" = "Statement of Assets Individual Holdings"

This is the "standard" presentation of the portfolio positions. Displayed are all security positions, all cash accounts and a sum row for the other assets. The portion of an every position in the portfolio is also shown (calculated by dividing position value to the portfolio value).


The table consists of the following attributes:

"Währung" - asset currency

"Bezeichnung" - asset name

"Stück/Nominale" - asset quantity/nominal amount

"Wertpapierkurs / Einstand" - asset purchase price

"Wertpapierkurs / aktuell" - asset current price

"Devisenkurs / "Einstand" - FX rate as of purchase date

"Devisenkurs / "aktuell" - FX rate as of selected key date

"Betrag in Portfoliowährung / Fondswährung" - asset market value in portfolio currency

"in %" - asset market value as a percentage from the portfolio value

"unrealisierter Kursgewinn" - unrealized capital gains in % (position market value change, in % from the security purchase date to the selected key date, i.e. how much will be the profit/loss if the position is closed as of the key date)

"Letztes Kaufdatum" - date of the last purchase

For the cash accounts are valid only "Währung", "Bezeichnung", "Betrag in Portfoliowährung / Fondswährung" and "in %".

For the "Sonstiges Vermögen" are valid only "Bezeichnung", "Betrag in Portfoliowährung / Fondswährung" and "in %".

"Risk" = "Risk UCIT III", or "Risk Portfoliomanagement", or "Degree of Invest"

In addition to the "standard" (described in the previous chapter), other perspectives are also available. They allow the assets to be viewed and grouped, depending on their level of risk (for more details about these perspectives please follow this link "Risikosicht").


Regardless of the selected risk perspective the table always consists of the following attributes:

"Type of Asset" - asset type

"Währung" - asset currency

"Bezeichnung" - asset name

"Stück/Nominale" - asset quantity/nominal amount

"Current" - asset market value in portfolio currency

"Current in %" - asset market value as a percentage from the portfolio value

"Accruals" - interest accruals?????????

"Degree of Risk" - asset value, depending on the risk-level


The chart represents graphically the information from the table. The type of the chart can be selected in Einstellungen page.


By default all securities, which have portion bigger than 2.5% (up to count of 15), are displayed  separately in the chart. All other securities are aggregated in position "Other Securities". Cash positions are aggregated in one position, called "Liquidity".

Further Functionality


"Risk" dropdown list - options for displaying the positions list from different perspectives (for more information see the "Table" chapter)

"Display for Securities Account" dropdown list - if the portfolio has sub-portfolios (i.e. deposits) their positions can be displayed separately

Further Information

The following links to other pages are available:

"Preis Information" - detail information for the security position can be displayed by clicking on their "Bezeichnung"

"Depot/Wertpapiergeschäfte" - all transactions, related with the security can be displayed by clicking on their "Stück/Nominale" (for the transaction types "Purchase", "Sale", "Transfer In","Transfer Out" and "Redemption") and "unrealisierter Kursgewinn" (for the transaction type "Income")

"Preis Information" - detail information for the funds price can be displayed by clicking on their "Wertpapierkurs / aktuell"